An anthropologist proposed
a game to children in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a
tree and told the kids that whoever got there first won the sweet fruits.
When he told them to run
they all took each other’s hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying
their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have
had all the fruits for himself, they said: “UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy
if all the other ones are sad?”
Ubuntu! I am me because of
Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu
One of
the sayings in our country is Ubuntu—the
essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks
particularly about the fact that you can’t exist as a human being in isolation.
It speaks about our interconnectedness. We think of ourselves far too
frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are
connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads
out: it is for the whole of humanity. A person is a person by and because of
other people.
We sometimes lose sight of
the fact that real happiness does not come from how much money we have, the
size of our house, or the clothes we wear. Real, lasting joy comes from our
connection with other people.
That is what Young Singers of
the Palm Beaches is about…interconnectedness…without barriers of any kind so
that all can come together and create music.
Speaking of human connection…I
met Mark Hayes over 25 years ago at a music conference in Wisconsin. It was at
that time that I realized, although a world-renowned composer at that time, he
was a down to earth, humble man. Years later I went to study composition with
him for a few days in Kansas City, MS…his hometown. And last year, in deciding
whom to commission a work for the Young Singers, I thought of Mark. I contacted
him and he agreed to write a piece for us. You have to understand, Mark is a
very busy man. As you have read his bio, he has over 850 choral pieces in print
as well as vocal solo books and many piano solos and collections. He is
conducting workshops throughout the world and will be conducting at Avery
Fischer Hall at the Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall, to name a few.
When I contacted him, I asked
him to write a celebratory piece for our 10th anniversary. I had no
text in mind. About a month later, I read this wonderful article about the
tradition of Ubuntu. I contacted him
about writing a piece with that theme and he stated that he had just discussed
this same concept of Ubuntu with a friend that very week. He said it was providential.
I agree!
We were honored to have Mark
attend the premiere of Ubuntu at the
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts in West Palm Beach. Mark spoke to our
singers about his work on the piece and the importance of the concept of Ubuntu and singing one!
With the help of our
choreographer, Sonja Kelly, Ubuntu
opened and closed our 10th anniversary concert with 340 singers, dancers in
bright outfits and streamers, joyous singers and a feeling of joy...being
connected to others through song.
As stated by Mark on his
intro page to the octavo, “To reach our full potential, we must stay connected
to our fellow humans. Embrace the wisdom of ubuntu
and let the power of our combined voices change the world.”
Thank you, Mark for
continuing to write such beautiful, exciting and inspiring choral music.
D. Shawn Berry is Co-Founder,
Artistic Director and Lead Conductor for the Young Singers of Palm Beaches.
Under his supervision the organization has grown to 6 choirs with over 300
singers ranging in ages from 8 to 18 years old. The choirs participated in the
2006 Mozart Festival in Vienna and Salzburg, Austria, Boston in 2005, at the
Lincoln Center in New York City in 2007, and Walt Disney World Children in
Harmony Choral Festival.

He graduated with honors from
Marshall University in Huntington, WV, where he earned his BA and MA in Music
Education. He worked in the public schools for 24 years in the areas of vocal
and instrumental music with all grade levels.
While directing choirs in the
public schools, Mr. Berry worked as the Director of Vocal Music at the
nationally recognized Bak Middle School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, FL.
While at Bak his choruses were selected to perform at the American Choral
Directors National Convention in New York City, The Kennedy Center Festival of
Gold, the American Choral Directors Southern Division Convention, as well as
recording for the Silver Burdette Middle School Music Textbook Series. He has
conducted honor and all-county choirs in Florida, West Virginia and North
He was the recipient of the
2011 Clyde Fyfe Award performing artist award from the Cultural Council of Palm
Beach County. He is an active composer and arranger and has numerous publications
with a variety of publishing houses. His professional affiliations are ASCAP
and ACDA. His compositions have been performed by choir at local levels and by
choirs at ACDA National and by All State Choirs.
In addition to Young Singers,
Mr. Berry is Manager of Arts and Cultural Education for the Cultural Council of
Palm Beach County and has serves as pianist for the United Methodist Church of
the Palm Beaches for 22 years. He is
honored to be an accompanist for the Shawnee Press 75 year celebration at
Carnegie Hall, Feb. 17, 2014.
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