Outfitting an empty music classroom with $300
The things we hear about music education these days are
often focused on under-funded programs and regrettable music program cutbacks. So when teachers receive a budget of any
amount, we feel an obligation to use it wisely.
Any amount that is budgeted for supplying the music classroom will
inevitably disappoint us, with our wild hopes of filling our classrooms with all
the best tools and resources. No need to
wallow in the disappointment, though; with a little research and ingenuity, a
smart music teacher can find the best possible use of those precious dollars.
36 sets of rhythm sticks...............59.85...............Music in Motion
Give Me a Bucket.......................19.95...............Heritage Music Press
5 five-gallon plastic buckets........13.90................Lowe’s
35 gallon trash can......................29.98................Lowe’s
Activate! subscription.................79.95...............Heritage Music Press
Double Agents............................14.95...............Heritage Music Press
What to Teach When..................54.95...............Heritage Music Press
Passing the love of music on to your students......free as the sunshine
Total: 273.53 plus shipping
Start with the
In this scenario, we’re setting up a new music classroom
that has nothing at all. What does every
elementary student need to be successful in music class? It would be great to have classroom
instruments for everyone, right? To
allow every student to have an instrument at the same time, try a set of Rhythm
Sticks. I found a set of 12 at
MusicinMotion.com for only $19.95 if you buy 3 or more sets. Let’s start with 3 sets of those, so we’ll
have enough for every student in the largest class and hopefully some to spare
if they get lost or broken as the year goes on.
Find a creative
In Mark Shelton’s book Give Me a Bucket ($19.95, Heritage Music Press), the author
provides instruction, music, and tons of helpful advice on starting a bucket
ensemble at your school. The best thing
about a bucket ensemble is that students learn how to make their own music by
working together as a group. It teaches
improvisation, texture, timbre, beat, and teamwork. What’s the second best thing about a bucket
ensemble? Plastic buckets cost less than
$4 at your local home improvement store.
To provide various timbres, you can use a large trash can, smaller trash
cans, paint cans, and even soup cans.
Most of these items could easily be donated by families at your school.
Find a good source
for lots of original teaching ideas.
Subscribe to a music educator’s magazine. New ideas will be delivered to your door
regularly, and there will always be something you can use. Activate!
magazine is a great resource because it provides so many different types of
activities in every issue. Not only are
there songs, games, and activities to fit the season, but there are also
several options to add to your teaching treasury, like interactive whiteboard lessons and Orff
arrangements. You can pick the ideas
that work best for your classroom, and you’ll never run out of material.
Another outstanding resource is What to Teach When. Don
Dupont and Brian Hiller are accomplished music teachers, and they have put all
of their ideas together into an entire curriculum for the K-1 and 2-3 grade
levels. I would strongly recommend
adding one of these books to your collection.
They are designed to help both beginning teachers and experienced
teachers as they plan their teaching years.
Be a team player.
In many parts of the country, Common Core is the new
buzzword. Chances are, you’re already
teaching Common Core concepts in your music classroom. Why not make sure to do it intentionally, so
that everyone from your administration, to parents, teachers, and the community
realize that your music classroom is an integral part of the team that makes
your students ready for the world.
Nicole LeGrand’s book Double
Agents is full of activities that intentionally integrate music and other
academic subjects. They’re carefully
designed to authentically teach music in conjunction with other topics.
Think ahead.
Throughout the year, think about what you’d like to have
next year. Most of the resources listed
here will still be just as good then, so you can use next year’s budget to add
more breadth to your resources. The sky’s
the limit. Good luck!
What resources help
you most in your classroom? Be sure to
comment below and share them with other music educators!

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