Then, Artie went to Amarillo! When our 2010 TMEA (Texas Music
Educator’s Association) Conference proposal, “Get SMART! Using the SMART Board
in the Elementary Music Classroom” was accepted, we decided to go to Amarillo,
TX to learn from the “Queen” of elementary music workshop presenters! Artie
Almeida was invited to give a region workshop in Amarillo, and we were there.
We let it be known that we would be presenting a SMART Board session at TMEA,
hoping that some of the Amarillo teachers would attend, and were asked, “Where
can we buy your files?”

Fast forward to TMEA. With
the help of Debbie’s husband, Mike, we co-wrote and self-published Volume 1 of SMARTBoardNow, and sold copies
after our 2010 session at TMEA. Three music companies present at the convention—Music in
Motion, West Music, and Pender’s Music—agreed to place Volume 1, which
contains 10 music lessons/activities for various age levels, grades K-5 for
presentation on SMART Board, in their catalogs. Debbie and I then co-wrote Volumes 2-4 in
2010-11, again self-published, and presented another session at the 2011 TMEA Convention.
These volumes were sold by several convention vendors, and contain 10 lessons
each in the same SMART Board format for various grade levels. It was at the
2011 TMEA Convention that we were approached by the good folks at Heritage
Music Press about publishing our SMARTBoardNow volumes.

A lot has happened in the five years since the SMART Content Creation Seminar in 2009. Debbie and I continue to present lessons and activities on our SMART Boards daily in our elementary music classrooms, and are thrilled to be using both the SMART and Flash versions of our products. Stay tuned to see what the next five years will bring!

Volumes 9 and 10 of Interactive Now are in print, on the shelves, and ready to be ordered.
Order your copies today!
Thomas has taught elementary music for over twenty years, and has been on the
faculty at Bridlewood Elementary since it opened in 1998 in Flower Mound,
Texas. She received her BA from Adams State College in Alamosa, CO and MM from
what is now the University of North Texas (UNT). She completed three levels of Kodály
training and one level of Orff training at UNT. Phyllis is past Teacher of the
Year, has been a Model Technology Classroom teacher since 2008, and has been a
SMART Exemplary Educator since 2010. She is co-author and editor of the Music Memory Passport, published by the
University Interscholastic League (UIL) of Texas and has written lessons and
activities for the Online Learning Exchange Interactive Music powered by Silver Burdett, developed by Pearson in partnership with Alfred Music Publishing. Phyllis currently writes articles and IWB lessons and activities for Heritage Music Press (Activate! Magazine, Interactive Now, and Mi in the Middle).
She is a frequent presenter for technology and SMART Board sessions at district, state, and regional workshops and conferences across the country. She has been a featured clinician for the Elementary Division at the Arkansas ACDA convention, the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) conference, the regional and state Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) conferences, the Appalachian State University Silver Burdett/Pearson Summer Music Institute in Boone, NC, and the national TI:ME convention.
Great success story! ...good to have Phyllis and Debbie teaching in the school district in which I live (Lewisville Independent School District).