Fun Facts
My favorite dessert is butterscotch pudding
My favorite musical is “The Last Five Years” by
Jason Robert Brown
I am half Swedish and I love to bake pepperkaker
I can’t live without coffee and Diet Dr. Pepper
My work is published by four different
publishing companies
How many years have
you been teaching?
10 years teaching, 11 years in
music ministry.
How many students do
you see in a typical week?
About 600.
What inspired you to
become an elementary music educator?
I student taught, general music surprised me with how much I liked it. During
my church music years, I got to know a lot of great general music teachers and
I wanted to emulate them.
Tell us about your
funniest teaching moment.
the end of the year, I let the students request activities and songs from earlier
in the year. A little boy shouted out his request, “Dirty old man! Dirty old
man!” It took me a moment to realize that he meant “Old Dan Tucker.”
If you could have
only one item in your teaching bag, what it would it be and why?
monkey puppet, Larry. He is tried and true and effective! The kids love him and
he makes them feel immediately comfortable in my room.
What is your favorite
teaching resource?
I really like "GamePlan" by Jeff Kriske and Randy DeLelles.
What music do you
listen to in your free time?
I listen to classical piano (Argerich, Rubenstein, Biss) and theater music
(Sondheim, Brown, Flaherty)
Tell us about your
favorite lesson/unit to teach?
do a Broadway unit at the end of the year with my fourth graders. I created an
interactive whiteboard experience with maps of New York City, pictures and
videos from the various theaters to which I have been, etc. It ends with role-playing
all the various theater jobs from producing, to being a part of the
creative team, to tech crew, to performing.
What is one piece of
advice you would suggest for folks who are new to the elementary music
to your students like they are humans. Be exacting in your standards, but make
sure you don’t forget to show them your personality. Also… in everything you
do, remember to be a positive and caring presence in your students’ lives. They
need you.
What educator(s) most
influenced your teaching style or your life?
Whitney, my middle school choir director, who suggested I might play the piano
for the choir. Gary
Fiscus, my high school choir director, who inspired me to be a music teacher
for my career. Weston
Noble, my collegiate choir director, who taught me that music feeds the soul.
If there was one
instrument you could ban from all elementary music classrooms what would it be
and why?
discount store recorder (I love recorder, but any store with “dollar” in its name
is selling a party toy, not an acceptable classroom instrument.)
Tell us about your
most memorable performance moment (when you were directing).
“Rhythm of the Rain” by Jerry Estes with 25 kids playing Orff and percussion
instruments and 50 children singing. When we were done, someone in the audience
shouted, “Do it again!” So we did!
What is your go-to
strategy to rein in an unruly class?
they are lower elementary, Larry the Monkey is an effective behavior management
tool. If
they are upper elementary, I make them aware that I will treat them like the
age of their behavior. If they are focused, I can talk to them like humans. If
they are not focused, then I have to become their baby sitter. When this
happens, no one is happy.
What excites you most
about the future of music education?
multi-media and interactive technologies. Also, the
research that continues to show music education is beneficial to the “whole
What do you enjoy
doing in your free time?
My first response what? What is this "free time" you speak of? Actually, I am an avid Netflix and Hulu viewer. I love to cook and read, and spending time with friends and colleagues is also very important to me.
We are looking for Activate! subscribers to share their teaching advice and anecdotes. You can complete the interview at We will share as many responses as we can on our blog, and one lucky subscriber will win a free subscription to Activate! and be featured in an upcoming issue.
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